When preparing to buy cryptocurrency, it is important to select a few criteria to choose a platform that will meet your expectations. Criteria below will help you choose the best cryptocurrency platforms. This is a non-exhaustive list.
Criteria which will help you choose a platform.
Create a test account with play money. This will allow you to take control of the platform, see the costs and confirm your desire to actually invest money. Platform fees. The fees can vary greatly depending on the platform. They are often quite obscure and it is important to understand them well. The language of the platform.
Many platforms do not have a French version and unless you have a perfect mastery of Shakespeare's language, we recommend that you use a platform that is available in French. The reliability of the platform. It may be useful to follow the news of the platform. Is the platform always available when there are a lot of connections? (For example when the price of Bitcoin undergoes significant variations). Is the platform secure enough? For more information on cryptocurrency platforms .
What are the costs of cryptocurrency platforms?
The fees are numerous and often complex on cryptocurrency platforms. We present a list of fees that you can find on most platforms: Fees on deposit. When you deposit money on a platform, it will often take a commission. This commission will always be higher if you deposit money with your credit card rather than by installment. Transaction fees. Whenever you go to arbitrate, for example if you want to sell Ethereum to buy Bitcoins. Spread.
This is the difference between the buy price and the sell price for the platform. This is how eToro pays for itself, for example. Fees on withdrawal. Platforms may take a percentage when you withdraw your funds. Currency conversion fees. On eToro, the euros you deposit will have to be converted into dollars, Etoro will take a commission.