
Health - Ghana welcomes supply of Covax-scheme vaccine

Ghana welcomes supply of Covax-scheme vaccine

A COVID-19 scheme initiated by WHO and Gavi was delivered to Ghana on Wednesday. The aim is to get vaccines to developing countries as much as possible.  Ghana gets new supplies of COVID-19 vaccines   Ghana is the first nation to get the Comvax vaccine via the sharing scheme initiative. A supply of about 650,000 does of AstraZeneca vaccine was delivered to Accra. According to government officials, the first volunteers will be medics and health workers.  This scheme aims to close the gap between wealthy and developing countries, which can't afford vaccines. The scheme plans to give more than 2.5 billion vaccines worldwide before the year runs out. Ghana, with a population of more than 32 million has been chosen as a recipient because it gave assurances that it will administer the vaccine...